Custom “CounterStrike: Global Offensive” Antwerp Harbor map to promote the City of Antwerp during the PGL Major tournament in May 2022.
The map is inspired by the harbor of Antwerp, one of the biggest in the world!
It includes several custom models of typical Antwerp objects. Such as diamonds, paintings of Peter Paul Rubens, and known Antwerp buildings in the skyline, such as the MAS museum and Zaha Hadid’s Harbour house.
The Antwerp Harbor was launched in May 2022 with a beautiful booth inside an Antwerp shopping mall. The booth was built with a real-life clone of a container also found inside the CS:GO map.
Belgian influencer William Bouva played the first official match against mayor Bart De Wever.
Even though it was a form of advertising, the community loved this initiative! A 5-star rating, over 17.000 downloads, and many positive comments showed the appreciation of these gamers.
The project was developed with love and respect for the game and the people loved it!